Monday 19 September 2022

English Proverbs - Like People, Like Priest

Like People, Like Priest


People's quality is a good predictor of their leader's quality.


On matters of public importance, we are becoming increasingly insensitive, self-centered, and apathetic as a society. It's no surprise that our leaders aren't up to par. Like people and priests.


English Proverbs - Lightning Never Strikes Twice In The Same Place

Lightning Never Strikes Twice In The Same Place


Misfortune does not strike the same person twice in the same way.

Azam: I don't want to take this route because the last time I took it, I was robbed.
Azmi: Don't be concerned; lightning never strikes twice in the same place.


English Proverbs - Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie


Don't bring up a bad situation that people have forgotten about because it could cause problems in the present.


Azam: Should I ask the professor if he is upset about my late assignment submission?
Azmi: If he hasn't said anything, don't bring it up; let sleeping dogs lie.


English Proverbs - Lend Your Money And Lose Your Friend

Lend Your Money And Lose Your Friend


Lending money to a friend can sour the friendship. If you ask him to repay, he may be offended; if he does not repay, you will be offended.


I don't like calling Tom for regular chit-chats anymore because he didn't return the money I lent him three months ago. I guess you can lend your money and lose your friend.


English Proverbs - Least Said, Soonest Mended

Least Said, Soonest Mended


When you disagree with someone, avoid using foul or upsetting language. Words can have a long-lasting impact and make reconciliation difficult.


When my friend and I got into an argument, I deescalated the situation, excused myself, and walked away. The least said, the soonest mended.


English Proverbs - Learn To Walk Before You Run

Learn To Walk Before You Run


Learn the fundamentals before moving on to more difficult tasks.


Azam: I'd like to submit my first article for publication in Fortune magazine.
Azmi: I believe you should begin with smaller publications. Before you run, you should learn to walk.


English Proverbs - Laughter Is The Best Medicine

Laughter Is The Best Medicine


Laughter lowers stress and boosts immunity, resulting in better health.


I believe that spending time with people with whom you can laugh is the best thing for you right now. After all, laughter is the best medicine.


English Proverbs - Kings Have Long Arms

Kings Have Long Arms


Governments wield enormous power.


The tycoon fled to another country after committing the fraud, but the government used all available means to extradite him. Kings do, in fact, have long arms.


English Proverbs - Kind Words Will Unlock An Iron Door

Kind Words Will Unlock An Iron Door


People are more open to your suggestions and questions if you speak politely.


My father was treated coldly by the government official. When I made a polite request, he did the job. Kind words can unlock an iron door.


English Proverbs - Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied

Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied


In many countries, the wheels of justice move so slowly that it can take decades to reach a decision. This causes pain in terms of wasted time and money, as well as the long wait for justice.


The verdict in the landgrab case came after a twelve-year wait. The victim had to sell his land in order to contest the case. Justice is denied when it is delayed.


English Proverbs - It Takes Two To Tango

It Takes Two To Tango


When two people are involved in a situation, the fault usually falls on both of them if something goes wrong. It is rare for one party to bear sole responsibility.


This deal will not go through unless you are willing to compromise as well. After all, it takes two to tango.


English Proverbs - It Takes Two To Make A Quarrel

It Takes Two To Make A Quarrel


A quarrel will not occur unless at least two people are involved. So, if one of the two people decides, there will be no conflict.


Siti: Why are you so quarrelsome? 
Azmi: I’m not the only one. It takes two to make a quarrel.


English Proverbs - It Takes A Village To Raise A Child

It Takes A Village To Raise A Child


It takes a community to raise children in a safe and nutritious environment.


Lionesses in a pride, look after the cubs of other lionesses. Isn't it true that it takes a village to raise a child?
